
APKMODY WordPress Theme

(7 customer reviews)


APKMODY Premium WordPress Theme

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APKMODY Theme is the best APK website theme for WordPress users. Fully focused on stability, speed, fast indexing, minimalist design, and accessibility. Nowadays, APK niche websites faster ranking and growing. Kick-start your work with our fantastic theme to start your journey.

Performance focused

According to SEO, Google crawlers index websites with optimized, perfectly structured schema, speed indexing, and meta tags. When our developers create this theme, they will 100% focus on providing a performance-based theme. In addition, we introduced a new quick links method. That will helps users fast to load your website without delay.

Page speed

The APKMODY Theme’s speed is a cause for concern because it has a significant impact on Google’s results and, naturally, the user. The theme has been speed up to its highest level through optimization.


There are many WordPress themes available on Internet. But those themes are comes with default structure and designs. It will not attractive for new users and blog starters. So we added advanced customization function for little bit customize the theme. You can able to add, modify and turn off the features on APKMODY theme like logo, advertisements, color, category adjustments and footer copyright.

apkmody customization

Google Play Store Importer

A feature to import material from the Google Play Store is included with the theme for free. This will enable you to write your entries more quickly.


Page speed

If you are pro or starter, don’t worry about page indexing speed on browsers. Our development team remove the all unwanted accessories of theme. Loading time was reduced and rendering time also reduced. Add some CDN or use cache plugins to APKMODY theme, your site performance load like a rocket speed.

Plugin compatibility

Have you worry about required plugin activation? No worries. Our theme supports all types of plugin. Mostly users required to install Rank Math and Yoast plugin for site index. Surely use those plugins on this theme.


Need help? Our support is like our products. Because we response your queries ASAP. We provide flexible and super fast support around the world wide. Up to 95% queries has been replied in a day.

Features of APKMODY Theme

There are lot of features included with this theme. Here some major features of APKMODY Theme:

  • SEO Optimized
  • Responsive design
  • Faster landing
  • Comment with star rating
  • Advanced APK Extractor
  • Optimized theme codes
  • Customizable sections
  • Third-party ads support
  • Adsense ready
  • Virtual download pages
  • Unlimited download links
  • Screenshots slider
  • Download link timer
  • FAQ sections
  • Animated mobile menu
  • Customizable header and footer
  • Automatic breadcrumbs
  • Social share button
  • Responsive navigation
  • SEO Software/Application schema added
  • Auto category import (if not available)

Try out our fantastic MODYOLO WordPress Theme

How to customize the theme structures and designs?

First of all, we couldn’t recommend you to customize the theme. Because, if you made one mistake in code, it will affect your whole website. Before make custom structure and functions, try on your subdomain.


Get latest and updated tutorials on our official YouTube Channel.

How to fix blank space problem in APKMODY Theme?

Frequently Asked Questions

How to install APKMODY Theme?

Step 1: Download theme from your APKTEMPLATES dashboard.

Step 2: Go to your WordPress dashboard.

Step 3: Navigate to Appearance -> Themes.

Step 4: Now click upload button to upload your theme and click install.

Now, successfully theme installed on your WordPress.

This theme supports cache plugins?

Absolutely. Our theme supports all type of cache plugins and we suggest cache plugins like WP Rocket and Litespeed Cache.

What is APK Extractor?

APK Extractor is a special extracting function that helps to you get specific application data from Google Play Store.

Can I import bulk APK’s at same time?

No. You can extract one application at a time.

How to get updated version of the theme?

When we push new update of theme, you can get theme via APKTEMPLATES dashboard.

Can I use this theme for unlimited sites?

It’s based on your plan. If you have many sites, try elite plan to use theme on unlimited websites.


Overall, we described the theme features, functions, customizations, bug fixes and FAQs. So follow this way to buy your requirements filled theme. Also check it out our new fast selling product ModyLite Theme.

Additional information

Google Play Extractor


SEO Optimized


Fast Load




Ccmpatible with

All Plugins


WordPress 4.5.0 and Above

Files included

HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript


Well documented

Browser Support

Chrome, Edge, Firefox, IE10, IE11, Opera, Safari

High Resolution



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7 reviews for APKMODY WordPress Theme

  1. sathish

    Really an Amazing theme. Super SEO helps me to get a faster ranking and site speed is ultra. Huge thanks to the clone developers. I hope you do the best themes in the future.

  2. Vanhau02 (verified owner)

    Everything is working fine, Very fast need and clean. best value for money.

  3. jimmyyaloofa

    Really amazing theme and there are many features included in customization. Those who need to ranking in Google faster, use this theme for SEO

  4. shimaa (verified owner)

    Good seo theme.

  5. Maximo Brunfield

    Your website is a fantastic tool for learners looking for more details on these topics.

  6. Naveen (verified owner)

    At first, my payment was showing failed “even after cutting money from bank, I paid via UPI” I was afraid if it was a scam.. 4k is too much for me.. So I wrote an email to support team, added a ticket, etc. messaged on telegram… Well, on next day in morning, I got email and my payment was confirmed. I received my product APKMODY. I was happy. Again, I was having issue with theme, So I contacted support, it was late but they did help me fix issue. Thanks APKTEMPLATE TEAM. Love you!

  7. Judson Foecke

    If you are going for most excellent contents like myself, simply pay a visit this web site everyday as it provides feature contents, thanks|

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